
The Seasons

The Seasons is one of those albums widely talked about but seldom heard. I guess you could call it a cult classic. “Discovered” in charity shops about a decade ago, this album has grown in stature but has remained unavailable — until now. Trunk Records (who else?) have managed to sort out a proper reissue. Originally […]


When someone says “be spontaneous”, they really mean “change your plans at short notice to suit me”. — Duncan Stephen (@Stepreo) March 17, 2012 I have been thinking a bit about spontaneity recently. For some reason, it is normally described as a good quality. I don’t understand why. Maybe I am biased. I do like […]

The fascination of train announcements

There is something quite fascinating about the announcements made on trains. Is there any form of public speaking that varies in quality more. Sometimes the announcements can be delivered in an unbelievably apathetic tone, like it’s the last thing the train guard ever wants to do. A lot of it just sounds plain rotten. Sometimes […]

The iPodless experiment — two weeks in

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The iPodless experiment

I am now two weeks into my experiment to avoid using my iPod outdoors. So I thought I would provide an update at the midway point. The first day went really well. It felt really odd at first, and it still does feel odd to leave the office for my lunchtime walk without my iPod […]

Waste of time

I decided to fill my car tyres with air this evening. It’s always a daunting task. I don’t use the machine often enough to ever feel familiar with it. I always need to read the instructions carefully. I live in fear of accidentally inflating myself. I drove up to the machine and there was already […]

Going iPodless — an experiment

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The iPodless experiment

I have long struggled with my use of portable music devices. The appeal to listen to audio on the go is strong. It probably started off as a novelty, or as something to keep me occupied on long train journeys. Back then it was a relatively cumbersome personal CD player. Then MP3 players came and […]

Online dating etiquette

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series Online dating

So I’ve joined some dating websites and looked at some people’s profiles. There’s only one thing for it — I have to contact someone. But how do you go about it? It’s difficult enough talking to people in real life. How on earth do you approach a stranger online? I was buoyed somewhat by the […]

Writing your profile

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series Online dating

This is the third part in a series of posts. Keep an eye out for the following posts, which will be published later this week. Once you have decided to join a dating website, you need to go through the rigmarole of setting up your profile. This is, of course, similar to any other kind […]

Rediscovering the Woolworths Virtual Museum

Back when I was a student (and for a little while after I graduated), I worked for Woolworths. I was there from 2006 right until the shutters came down for the last time on 6 January 2009. Working at Woolworths during the closing down sale was one of the most extraordinary periods of my life. […]

Why I want to watch more television

I have decided that my new year’s resolution is to watch more television. It may seems odd, since most people’s resolution necessitates getting off the sofa. There are a couple of drivers for my desire to become a couch potato. Views of the news One reason is that I have come to realise that I […]